
For quite some time now I have this thing with cacti. It all started with one cactus I bought and since then it just escalated. I’ve lost count on how much cacti and succulents I have at the moment, but it’s close to 40. All cramped in my little room.


During spring this year I decided something silly with my love for cacti. After some sketching the Cactusladies were born. I wanted to make it a little project, and maybe ending up selling some stuff. I never got around doing it though. I should start it up again, when the time is right. And by that I mean, when everything in my head is sorted out. For now it’s just me and my mum who enjoy the Cactusladies. And sometimes a friend.


Processed with VSCOcam with f2 preset

Processed with VSCOcam with f2 preset


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